What’s on an organised mum’s smartphone?
Do you need to organize your everyday life? If you haven't done so, click here to receive advice from other organized parents. And don't forget to download the free app Coorganiz, to easily share your calendar, useful documents and the important things to do.
Your smartphone can be your best ally. We have made a compilation of the best tips we got from connected mums.
Soon to be more important than your handbag (when will they bring out a lipstick app?), your smartphone can become one of your best allies to save some precious minutes when organising your daily life. We have brought together some of the best tips which we got from connected mums:
- Sort your applications by frequency of use: yes, in the end we open the same applications every day, every week and only from time to time. Take some time to observe those that you open every day and put them on the first page, the less frequently used tools on the second page, and then all the others.
- Make some space! Uninstall the apps that you haven’t used in more than one month. It makes more sense to download them again if you need them than to have them taking up space on your screen (and memory on your phone).
- Be firm: just one app per functionality! There’s no need for multiple weather maps, photo filters or lists. Now I love to look at 3 different apps to find out what the weather’s going to be like, but I guarantee you that it triples the time I spend searching for the same information… and it still ends up raining! One exception is the news. Keep your favourite source as the principal one and group the others into a media folder that you can surf through when you are having a “magazine” break.
- Scan your official documents and the children’s school timetables and save them to the cloud. You never know when you may need them.
- Limit push notifications (the messages that applications send you): there’s no need to be distracted by all manner of solicitations. “Every time the smartphone pings is a dose of excitement for the brain. And it often has no utility,” remarks Dominique, a psychologist. “Choose what informs you usefully.” It’s true: my phone lit up 6 times since I started writing this for messages of no interest, and I interrupted what I was doing each time.
- Use the automatic nocturnal standby: only your favourites can contact you and repeat call. Silence for everyone between 9.30pm and 7am… just knowing this helps us to relax!
- Our current favourite applications: Citymapper to beat public transport, Waze to avoid traffic jams, WhatsApp obviously, Scanner pro to scan everything and put an end to papers, EverNote to store interesting articles to read later (yes, later!!), Remember The Milk for list addicts and Slack for hard workers…
Apart from being a good app guide, you have undoubtedly understood that the goal of this article is to lighten your load and only retain the essentials… A heavy hand will keep you light!! Get sorting!